Whitmire Rescue Squad is proud to continue the tradition of providing the community with a family-friendly and safe fellowship opportunity that has been around for more than 100 years. Your participation helps to support our mission of Helping Our Neighbor.
A special thanks is extended to the Town of Whitmire, it's councilmembers and Mayor Billy Hollingsworth for their aid in the success of this event.
A turkey shoot is a contest in which participants use a shotgun to hit a simple target. Our firing line is approximately 25 yards from each target. After all participants have made their shot, the targets are collected and judged. The target with the closest pellet hole to the center wins the round.
Each player should sign up for rounds at the registration table prior to the start of each round. A liability waiver must be signed by the participant prior to participation. Once payment has been made, the range master will call on each participant in order and assign the participant a lane to shoot from.
Regular rounds are priced at $3.00 per shot/round. Other special rounds may vary in price. Refreshments may periodically be served at extra charge.
A typical WRS Turkey Shoot season lasts 5 Thursdays evenings from 7PM until the last round is conducted. The Thursday of Thanksgiving is normally skipped. Additional dates may be added to the end of the season. Check this webpage and our Facebook page for announcements.
We can't do it without YOU.
Our ability to keep participation costs low and continue to host this event each year is due to the gracious support of our annual sponsors. The Squad would like to thank each sponsor for being dedicated to helping us carry out our overall mission: to Help Our Neighbor.